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Counselling Philosophy

Our philosophy is about balancing our lives for overall health and wellness. We have multiple life areas to juggle, such as, family, work, friendship and play. If we are not happy with most of them - or even some or one of them - we will feel out of balance. Addictions, anxiety, depression, stress and anger start to creep into our lives. In order to cope with these unhelpful strategies sometimes we need to have a mirror to reflect back about what we are doing to ourselves and the people around us. Together, we can figure out other solutions to problem solving, as well as develop goals to have a different future. Other times we just need to talk out struggles with an impartial witness and allow solutions to unfold on their own. We are focused on your needs and following your lead as you know you best.       


The director of Health and Balance, Dr. Tomas Jurcik, was trained extensively in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for anxiety and depression and uses strategies from this evidence based approach to help you meet your therapy and counselling goals.  

Wellness components
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